Sheriff Joe Arpaio at the Phoenix Veterans Day parade in Phoenix, Arizona. (Photo: Gag Skidmore/Flickr)
Notoriously racist and pro-torture Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio, is now facing a contempt of court hearing after he continued immigration patrols following a court order that told him to stop.
The Maricopa County, Arizona, Sheriff, along with three of his assistants had to show up to answer to U.S. District Judge Murray Snow today.
Back in 2011, the sheriff’s office was placed under federal supervision, and Judge Snow prohibited Sheriff Arpaio’s racial profiling “patrols”.
The judge determined that the “patrols” were actually racist in nature, and were used for police to target Latinos.
For their parts, both Arpaio and his second-in-command, Jerry Sheridan, admit to illegally continuing their racial-profiling-patrols, though they believe they are being treated “unfairly.” They assert that their patrols are not racist, even though they quite obviously use racial profiling.
We will keep you posted on this story, especially if Arpaio and Sheridan do any jail time. Needless to say, if they do, they will not find many happy cellmates, as Arpaio has made a career out of humiliating and psychologically torturing prisoners.